The selection committee for the Australian International Political Economy Network (AIPEN) Richard Higgott Journal Article Prize is pleased to announce the shortlist for the 2021 prize, as voted on by AIPEN members.
The prize will be awarded to the best article published in 2020 (online early or in print) in international political economy (IPE) by an Australia-based scholar.
The prize defines IPE in a pluralist sense to include the political economy of security, geography, literature, sociology, anthropology, post-coloniality, gender, finance, trade, regional studies, development and economic theory, in ways that can span concerns for in/security, poverty, inequality, sustainability, exploitation, deprivation and discrimination.
The overall prize winner will be decided from the shortlist by the selection committee, which this year consists of Maria Tanyag (ANU), Ainsley Elbra (Sydney), Elizabeth Thurbon (UNSW) Kanishka Jayasuriya (Murdoch) and Tom Chodor (Monash). The winner will be announced by December 2021.
The 2021 shortlist for The Australian International Political Economy Network (AIPEN) Richard Higgott Journal Article Prize is as follows:
- Melissa Johnston. 2020. “Frontier finance: the role of microfinance in debt and violence in post-conflict Timor-Leste,” Review of International Political Economy 27(6): 1305-1329.
- Natasha Heenan and Anna Sturman. 2020. “Labour, Nature, Capitalism and COVID-19,” The Journal of Australian Political Economy 85: 193-199.
- Sara Meger and Julia Sachseder. 2020. “Militarized peace: understanding post-conflict violence in the wake of the peace deal in Colombia,” Globalizations 17(6): 953-973.
- Madison Cartwright. 2020 “Internationalising state power through the internet: Google, Huawei and geopolitical struggle,” Internet Policy Review 9(3): 1-18.
Past awardees
2020 Claire Parfitt, ‘ESG Integration Treats Ethics as Risk, but Whose Ethics and Whose Risk? Responsible Investment in the Context of Precarity and Risk-Shifting’, Critical Sociology, 46:4-5 (2020).
2019 Linda Weiss and Elizabeth Thurbon, “Power Paradox: How the Extension of US Infrastructural Power Abroad Diminishes State Capacity at Home.” Review of International Political Economy 25:6 (2018).
2018 Maria Tanyag, ‘Invisible Labor, Invisible Bodies: How the Global Political Economy Affects Reproductive Freedom in the Philippines’, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 19:1 (2017).
2017 Samanthi J. Gunawardana, ‘“To Finish, We Must Finish”: Everyday Practices of Depletion in Sri Lankan Export-Processing Zones”, Globalizations, 13:6 (2016).
2016 Gareth Bryant, Siddhartha Dabhi and Steffen Böhm, ‘“Fixing” the Climate Crisis: Capital, States and Carbon Offsetting in India’, Environment and Planning A, 47:10 (2015).
2015 Ainsley Elbra, ‘Interests Need Not be Pursued If They Can be Created: Private Governance in African Gold Mining’, Business and Politics, 16:2 (2014).