The Institute of Australian Geographers Conference 2022
Armidale, NSW, 5-8 July
Call for abstracts for panel on ‘Repairing Australia’s climate economy’
Organised by Sophie Webber and Gareth Bryant, the University of Sydney
Australia’s carbon and climate economy is marked by both inaction and failure. On the one hand, Australia is a climate pariah, with lax domestic emissions reduction targets, continued expansion in fossil fuel exploration and exports, and an active role in undermining global progress towards international climate agreements. Despite early initial progress in the field, from local to global scales, adaptation planning and investment has been repealed and delayed. On the other hand, geographers and other researchers have also criticised those climate policies and projects that do exist, finding that they have inherent contradictions and shortcomings leading to, for instance, increased rather than reduced emissions or maladaptation rather than adaptation to experienced and anticipated climate impacts.
Notwithstanding the contribution these critical examinations have had to understanding global trends and specific manifestations of contemporary climate governance and carbon economies, the imperative of responding to climate change requires new strategies, actions, and conceptualisations. In this session, we seek papers that explore more reparative instantiations and experiments with climate policy and practice. We invite empirical and conceptual papers from across the climate policy and carbon economy spectrum – from challenging extraction to carbon sequestration, from green finance to local adaptation planning, and onwards. We seek papers that explore the potential of different strategies within the contested terrain of Australia’s actually existing climate economy to repair, restore, and achieve reparations in social, ecological and economic registers.
Please submit your abstract to the conference portal by the closing date, currently April 8th, following the instructions on the conference website and also send the session organisers: and