JAPE is published by the Australian Political Economy Movement.
A prime concern is that the journal reaches the widest possible audience. Contributors should write plainly, avoid unnecessary jargon and employ economy in use of footnotes.
Contributions should be sent by email to the Editorial Coordinator, Frank Stilwell. All contributions go through a refereeing process to determine their suitability for publication. Papers must not be simultaneously submitted to another journal. Please include an abstract of 40-80 words with your submission, because this is helpful for the editors even though it will not appear in the journal.
The normal maximum length for articles is 8,000 words. References to cited works should be placed in the text’s body, not as footnotes. For each quotation/statement requiring reference, place the citation in parenthesis (author’s last name, year of publication, and page/s cited), e.g., (Harvey 2014: 93) or (Fine and Milonakis 2009: 121-27). Footnotes should only include material that cannot be placed in-text.
All references should be listed at the end, alphabetically by author’s last name (and chronologically for two or more titles by the same author/s) as indicated below:
Valiente-Riedl, E. (2016) To Be Free and Fair? Debating Fair Trade’s Shifting Response to Global Inequality, Journal of Australian Political Economy, No 78, Summer, pp. 159-85.
Stilwell, F. and Jordan, K. (2007) Who Gets What? Analysing Economic Inequality in Australia, Cambridge: Cambridge University
The material in Journal of Australian Political Economy is copyright. Persons seeking permission to reprint articles should contact the JAPE Editorial Coordinator.

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