With economic, social and environmental crises worldwide, the inhumane and ecologically destructive nature of capitalism is only too obvious. A plethora of movements unite those protesting these conditions of inequality and unsustainability and make demands in various spaces and contexts, to name a few: degrowth, Occupy, Indigenous peoples struggles, anti-war, low impact living, permaculture, ecofeminism, Via Campesina and solidarity economies.
At this historic juncture discussion of ‘alternatives and futures’, such as ecosocialism, post-capitalism and post-growth, is crucial. This is the focus of scholarly-activist interventions, which will comprise a new Palgrave Macmillan Alternatives and Futures: Cultures, Practices, Activism and Utopias book series. The call for proposals is for contributions in a range of formats from monographs and edited collections to shorter and accessibly written Palgrave Pivots (25–50,000 words).
As the series editor, I envisage that this series will contribute analytical meta-frameworks for studying and understanding alternative movements and visions. I would like the series to become an engaging forum of diverse voices, including activists’ testimonies and observers’ critiques of twenty-first century movements challenging the economic and political order of global capitalism through new cultures, new practices and campaigns for alternative futures.
As such we are interested in proposals that centre on praxis, engaging with the heart and soul of grassroots activism in ways that foreground strategic and directional concerns, clarifying unifying visions and interrogating everyday practices. Throughout this literature we want to feel the activists who are making history and will make our futures.
In short, this book series will demonstrate the breadth, depth, significance and potential of ‘alternatives’ in creating this century, focusing on the type of future each such movement advocates and their strategic agendas. Moreover, we offer a forum for constructive critique and analytical reflection of movements’ directions, activism and activists, their assumptions, drivers, aims, visions of alternative futures and actual performance and influence.
Books in this series will span a range of theories and strategies through focused analysis, comparisons, contrasts and critiques, with inquiries taking disciplinary, interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary frameworks — highlighting exemplary established and original approaches, and emerging and more experimental methods and theories to apply in this emerging field.
We are particularly interested in edgy political economy contributions that might address questions, such as:
- What are the structural potential and limits for a guaranteed minimum income, and what are the socio-political backgrounds of advocates and supporters?
- What might really and ideally happen to monetary and financial systems in degrowth or steady-state economies?
- What roles do debt moratoria, boycotts, divestments and sanctions play in practice?
In the first instance, contact Anitra Nelson if you want your proposal considered for Palgrave Macmillan’s Alternatives and Futures: Cultures, Practices, Activism and Utopias book series.
For more see here: https://anitranelson.info/routledge-alternatives-and-futures-book-series/